Search It For Pete's Sake!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Inspired for Inspiration?

First off, you guys did an awesome job with the Twitter id's and following me. Click here for the Google Docs with everyone's Twitter id. You guys rocked!

Think back to the first post in this blog and the type of podcast I embedded. Remember, the end product for this unit will be a similar product! What type of story do you want to tell? How are you going to go about telling it? What media will you use? As we already discussed in class today, we will be using Inspiration in order to sort through our ideas about our podcast topics.

As promised, here is the link for the YouTube videos for Inspiration, just in case you need a refresher.
Quick Tour of Inspiration 9 Software. 

When I created my map, mine was color coded by topic choice and the speakers. Your story map does not have to look like this. Play around with the templates we used in class until you find one that suits the type of map you would like to create. You will have the rest of the week to complete your story map.

Using the group Gmail accounts we set up today in class, upload your story maps to the appropriate Google Doc by Friday. We will spend the entire part of Monday in our groups discussing the digital story we want to create and the maps  we've created in class. Rock on and don't forget to post by Friday!

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